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70 résultats trouvés
Financial Institutions : A Risk Management : 7e édition américai
202,30 $
Investing and the Irrational Mind : Rethink Risk, Outwit Optimis
29,66 $
Most Important Thing : Uncommon Sense for the Thoughtful Investor
31,73 $
Pandora's Risk : Uncertainty at the Core of Finance
57,16 $
Refus du risque et catastrophes financières
33,75 $
The Doom Loop in the Financial Sector
11,99 $
Analysis of Financial Time Series
152,00 $
Doom Loop in the Financial Sector and Other Black Holes of Risk
22,46 $
Elements of Financial Risk Management
92,63 $
Évaluation des actifs financiers et la relation risque-rendement
17,10 $