Éditeur : IRWIN LAW
ISBN papier: 9781552213520
ISBN numérique PDF: 9781552213636
Code produit : 1185767
Catégorisation :
Livres /
Droit et sciences juridiques /
Droit et sciences juridiques /
Droit de la personne
Format | Qté. disp. | Prix* | Commander |
Livre papier | 1 |
Prix membre : 52,25 $ Prix non-membre : 55,00 $ |
Numérique PDF Protection acs4*** |
Illimité | Prix : 55,00 $ |
*Les prix sont en dollars canadien. Taxes et frais de livraison en sus.
***Ce produit est protégé en vertu des droits d'auteurs.
Today, many human rights commissions are threatened or are no longer in existence. This book argues in support of our human rights institutions, including the new Canadian Museum for Human Rights. These arguments debunk current challenges to our human rights commissions and tribunals. Further, they chronicle the ways in which governments have backed away from the project of growing a culture of human rights, and of maintaining the role of human rights commissions to promote and protect human rights. In sum, this book will help readers to evaluate criticism of human rights institutions so that Canadians can strengthen current systems and ensure that they are responding to today’s problems in the field of human rights.